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Summer Memory...


My Little Butterfly


Little butterfly, please don’t cry.


I thought I was holding you tight, but I looked away once, and you were gone from my sight.


You flew up high in the sky. Where are you little butterfly, can you come back down?


I hold my arms out to you, little butterfly, but I don’t feel your touch.


Many days go by, little butterfly. I’m starting to believe the lies.


I dream of you, little butterfly. Are you happy, or are you sad?


I asked the monarch to grant me a dream, and He blessed me with your colors.


Goodbye, little butterfly. I know I will see you again.


Until then, little butterfly, help me remember.


Because, life without you, is hard to bare.


But, seeing your colors gives me hope, while in my despair. 


Now I need to continue working on my colors. So, that one day I can spread my wings, and fly back home to you, my little butterfly.


-Lauren Wallace.

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